Today in Hội An

I have the habit of working late in Asia, as my European and American counterparts are hours behind me, thus morning hits unexpectedly.
By the time I open my eyes, Alaina has completed her marathon training, and Weller is usually happily playing with his blocks downstairs.
After a steaming shower, we head off to our new favorite haunt: Slow Cafe.

A classical Asian building reminding me of a Studio Ghibli film, surrounded by ferns and rock gardens. It's just outside the large community garden in a cul-de-sac full of kitchens offering cooking classes.

Double Espresso is my go-to, but now and again I opt for the Iced Vietnamese coffee. If you've never had it, it's the type of tar-like caffeine concoction that you'd expect your western sheriff to slug, but then mixed with half a glass of sweetened condensed milk. It is probably rotting my teeth, but I've never had a cavity, and thus judge it a suitable risk.
Some aesthetics bring a spirit of peace to settle. This place has it, sparking conversations with Alaina about designing our own home. Something new for us who perpetually travel.
Around noon, Weller transitions from giggly rambunctious toddler to babbling Tasmanian devil, and we know it's time to pack up the scooter and drive home.

Nap time for the Kiddo.
Quick language lesson on Duolingo, preparing for our Japanese trip.
Rummaging through the web for a new fiction book recommendation.

Then off to Hit Ha cafe, or what we like to call "Sniff Area" cafe, due to this funny sign.