1 min read

Bentonville: The Perfect Kind of Town

Bentonville: The Perfect Kind of Town
A Bigger Splash by David Hockney LA in the 60s. Sunshine. Empty Swimming Pools. No traffic.

60s LA was sunshine, empty pools, small-town vibes, and little traffic. You can find that again in Bentonville. It's a place to know everyone — friendly people who are always ready to lend a hand.

People come here for different reasons. Maybe they are popping in to mountain bike and grab a beer. Or they're suits, flying in to pitch Wal-Mart, asking themselves why the hell Arkansas, only to find a small town with the artistic firepower to rival... well, anywhere.

I have no idea if they think or say that to themselves. But I like to think they do, because it makes me feel better that Bentonville remains a hidden gem rather than a well-known one.

That's Zach over on the left. Friend. Barista.

I was in search of walkability. Having spent my adult life abroad, in and out of metropolises or sleepy towns, coming back to America, I was searching for that place where no car was needed. Where I could get to know the baristas at my favorite coffee shops, where I could say hello to the regular friendly faces I met on my short walk to work, or dinner, or the pool.

Most notably the pool, as it's summer and it makes me feel like I'm at a resort.

I think we all search for that special place. My special place has to include walking and friendly faces. Oh, and food-that's pretty important.

I'd wager that's what you're looking for too. Maybe not, but probably.